In the name of promoting the exchange of knowledge and international cooperation, this year from November 25th to 28th, we attended the 9th International Plant Protection Congress, which is traditionally held in Zlatibor, Serbia.
The purpose of the congress is to continue to facilitate the exchange of current scientific and technical information in the field of plant protection in agronomy, forestry and landscaping between research scientists, professors, experts in public and private services and the business community.
According to the president of the Society for Plant Protection of Serbia, Mr. Obradović, the congress should help in the development of new current and future strategies, instruments and methods in plant protection both in science and in practice.
In the three days of lectures that we attended, there were various topics from different fields of agronomy and forestry (phytopathology, entomology, herbology, ecotoxicology, food safety, beneficial organisms, organic production) and the presentation of the industry, which was well attended by agricultural producers.
We would like to thank our long-time associate professor, Ph.D. Tomislav Kos from the University of Zadar on the invitation for participation and pleasant company during the duration of the Congress.